Purpose: A sub-group of the University Research and Enterprise Board that will have oversight of the internal and external research landscape
Terms of Reference:
- To advise the Vice-Provost (Research and Enterprise) on the strategic direction of the College’s research activities including sharing information on College proposals in preparation
- To share awareness of the external research landscape, including funder and governments policies and regulations.
- To receive information of the current research proposal demand management processes in place, including their outcomes.
- To undertake reviews of multi-faculty investments such as Centres and Networks and Global Institutes as deemed necessary.
Core Membership:
- Vice-Provost (Research and Enterprise),  Professor Mary Ryan - Chair
- Vice-Dean (Research), Faculty of Engineering,  Professor Julie McCann
- Vice-Dean (Research), Faculty of Natural Sciences,  Professor Ramon Vilar Compte
- Vice-Dean (Research), Faculty of Medicine,  Professor Graham Cooke
- Vice-Dean (Research and Faculty), Business School, Professor Markus Perkmann
- Deputy Director of Research Office, Ben Hughes
- Head of Funding Strategy, Research Office, Dr Angela Kingman
- Head of Research Strategy and Development, Faculty of Engineering, Dr Andrew Wright
- Head of Research Strategy and Development, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Dr Sophie Armstrong-Brown
- Director of Research Strategy, Faculty of Medicine, Dr Des Walsh
- Head of Research Support, Business School, Dr David Wilson
- Funding Strategy Manager, Dr Mark Bambury
- Funding Strategy Manager, Dr Louise Sherlock
- Funding Strategy Manager, Dr Dania Grant-Serroukh
- Secretary, Natalie Applegarth
Method of Working:
- The chair of the Group will be the Vice-Provost (Research and Enterprise).
- The Group will meet monthly.
- Members will chair decision making subgroups (e.g. Impact) for review and decision of internal and external research proposals as required.
- When acting in a decision capacity:
- A representative from each faculty is required to be quorate.
- Reviews and assessments will be based on criteria of the excellence of the proposed research, eligibility and fit to the call. In line with reducing research bureaucracy, the minimum information will be requested in order to judge against fit to call.
- Feedback to applicants will be limited to a statement of their success or otherwise unless there is additional feedback that is considered to be useful.
- To report termly to UREB
Conflict of interest:
Conflicts of interest are declared at the start of each meeting if a member of the Committee has a direct interest in the outcome of the discussion through any of the following:
- Being a collaborator on the project in question;
- Being a supervisor of any students involved in the project;
- Being line manager to any staff involved in the project.
Other conflicts may exist and meeting participants are requested to raise any other possible conflicts which may have an impact on their ability to participate in relevant discussions. Conflicts do not necessarily exclude meeting participants from discussions, managing the inputs from participants is at the Chair’s discretion.