This section of the catalogue lists sources of financial information about the College. Please note that the catalogue does not list information that is only available within a specific team or department.

Asterisks (*) indicate internally secured information; new staff will need to request access to this information (details of who to contact to request access are given, where applicable).

Financial information

Annual Report and Accounts

The Annual report and accounts pages.

The Annual Report and Accounts are available to all College members, as well as to the public.

i-Expenses (ICA)*

The iExpenses dashboard in ICA provides an overview of College's progress against key strategic questions aligned to the College's mission. There are two separate dashboard areas available, one to members of the AP management team, the other to Financial control teams in departments to assist with the management of expenses.  Please contact the for queries.

Staff with access can


Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System for Finance and Payroll Reporting is used for budgets, General Ledger and Payroll reports. It is mostly used through an Excel add-on called SmartView, enabling accountants to track spending, adjust budget distribution and forecast costs from Staff. Please see the for queries.

Oracle Discoverer*

For queries related Discoverer Reporting on InfoEd and Grants, please contact the . Alternatively, please contact the relevant HR/Finance team for further details.

Staff with access to Discoverer can login using these links: