The Room Booking policy describes how to efficiently find and book College shared spaces. It describes how we would like to be and it is recognised that booking a room in College currently can be a time-consuming and frustrating process. The Room Booking Project is in progress, which aims to implement a College-wide process and system to support this policy.

In the interim, the following options may be of use to colleagues looking to book a room:

  • , which includes the link to book a limited selection of rooms directly.
  • ICLIS, which is primarily a room inventory system rather than a room booking system, but for a subset of rooms shows availability. 

Room Booking Policy Overview


What This Policy Covers

  • All College shared spaces including Teaching rooms, Events spaces and Meeting rooms [1]; as defined in the College Shared Space policy
  • Requests and bookings for activities that are acceptable uses of Shared Spaces [2] as follows:
    • Requesting of rooms designated as primarily for “Teaching”
    • Requesting and booking of rooms designated as primarily for “Events”
    • Requesting and booking of rooms designated as primarily for “Meeting”
  • Student bookable breakout spaces

[1] The definitive list of shared spaces is maintained in the 911今日黑料 College Location Inventory System (ICLIS)

[2] As defined in the Space Sharing Policy   


Policy Goals

  • Provide high visibility of rooms and other shared spaces that are bookable, and transparency of usage and utilisation of those rooms and spaces
  • Provide mechanisms by which Shared Spaces can be booked, in accordance with the relative priority set out in the College Space Sharing policy
  • Establish booking windows that allow for the scheduling of Academic Mission aligned activities like well in advance; and without unduly constraining the ability to generate income from Shared Spaces otherwise not being used
  • Provide operational clarity about how principles of space sharing apply to bookings
  • Establish clear expectations, standards and norms to guide booking of rooms and other shared spaces
  • Provide mechanisms to reinforce the surety of bookings (ie that they will not be “bumped”), including where a booked room becomes unavailable because of unforeseen events
  • Reduce the administrative effort of finding and booking shared spaces for acceptable uses