The purpose of the Student Surveys Action Planning Group is to improve the student experience through observation and response to the outcomes of student satisfaction surveys. 

The group is responsible for:  

  • Having oversight of the University-wide student internal and external survey outcomes, including reviewing the results of the NSS, PTES, PRES, Student Experience Survey and Module Evaluation Questionnaire (MEQ) (qualitative and quantitative) and related analyses.  
  • Setting and producing prioritised University-wide action plans in response to survey results, together with the 911½ñÈÕºÚÁÏ College Union (ICU), with clearly identified owners for each action and timescales for completion. This includes production and oversight of a Master Action Plan, to ensure consolidation of activity and minimise duplication of effort across complementary activity.  
  • Overseeing the dissemination of University-wide survey action plans through FECs providing an opportunity for Faculties to give feedback and to identify how this might be reflected in their own local priorities for action during the academic year. The Group will not monitor progress against departmental action plans, as these are reported against Annual Monitoring. However, it may refer to departmental action plans for the purposes of identifying and disseminating good practice. 
  • Referring agreed University-wide survey action plans to other committees:
    • QAEC: Teaching Quality, Learning Opportunities, Assessment and Feedback
    • Student Experience Forum: Organisation and Management, Learning Opportunities
    • Both QAEC and Student Experience Forum: Student Voice
  • Considering any interaction and overlap between the Action Plan Master and other action plans relating to the student experience (e.g. PTES/PRES, Student Experience Survey, MEQs, Pulse Surveys), to include consolidation where relevant. 
  • Identifying areas of good practice which can be shared and disseminated and areas of concern to aid in the completion of Master Action Plan.


  • Vice Provost (Education and Student Experience) - Chair 
  • President – 911½ñÈÕºÚÁÏ College Union 
  • Deputy President (Education) - 911½ñÈÕºÚÁÏ College Union 
  • Deputy President (Welfare) - 911½ñÈÕºÚÁÏ College Union 
  • Academic Registrar 
  • Head of Academic Services 
  • Head of Strategic Projects – Education Office and Academic Services 
  • Director of Student Services 
  • Director of Library Services  
  • Vice Dean of Education representing each Faculty 
  • Associate Professor of Education  
  • Graduate School representative 
  • Education Evaluation Manager, Strategic Planning 
  • Education Projects Officer, Education Office
  • Education Projects Coordinator, Education Office

Occasional Members to be invited as business requires.

Meeting dates

Meeting dates will be published here when they have been determined. The group is currently meeting on an ad-hoc basis.