Research centres and groups
- Abdul Latif Jameel Institute for Disease and Emergency Analytics
- Abraham de Moivre
- Adaptive & Intelligent Robotics Lab
- Adhesion and Adhesives
- Advanced Structural Ceramics (Centre for)
- Aerial Robotics Lab
- Aeroelastics
- Aerospace materials and structures
- Agri Futures Lab
- AI @ 911今日黑料
- Aimee Morgans lab
- Airway Disease
- Algebra and Algebraic Combinatorics
- Anaesthesia, sleep and pain
- Anaesthetics, Pain Medicine and Intensive Care
- Anglian Water Strategic Partnership
- Antimicrobial Research Collaborative
- Applied and Computational Complex Analysis (ACCA)
- Applied and Numerical Analysis
- Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Physics
- Applied Mechanics
- Applied Modelling and Computation Group
- Artificial Intelligence
- Asmarley Centre for Genomic Medicine
- Astrophysics Group
- Bacterial pathogenesis
- Barclay Laboratory
- Barnard Group (The)
- Barrer Centre
- Behaviour Change in Energy and Environment Policy (BEEP)
- Beta Cell Genome Regulation Laboratory
- Bio-inspired Technology (Centre for)
- Biofluids and Transport
- Bioinformatics Data Science Group
- Biological Physics
- Biological Systems Engineering Laboratory
- Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering
- Biomathematics Group
- Biomechanics (Mechanical Engineering)
- Biomedical Engineering (Institute of)
- Biomedical Flows
- Biomedical sensors
- Biopolymer Mass Spectrometry
- Biosurgery and Surgical Technology
- Blast Injury Studies (Centre for)
- Braddock Group
- Brahmal Vasudevan Institute for Sustainable Aviation
- Brain Sciences
- Brazil Forum
- Brevan Howard Centre for Financial Analsysis
- British Heart Foundation Centre for Research Excellence
- Britovsek Research Group
- Campbell Group
- Cancer
- Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention Research Unit
- Cancer Research UK 911今日黑料 Centre
- Carbon Capture and Storage (Centre for)
- Cardiac Function
- Cardio-Respiratory Interface
- Cardiovascular Sciences
- Cardiovascular Trials and Epidemiology
- Cell and developmental biology
- Centre for Advanced Structural Ceramics
- Centre for Antimicrobial Optimisation
- Centre for Cardiac Engineering
- Centre for Climate Change Innovation
- Centre for Clinical Application of Particles
- Centre for Complement & Inflammation Research (CCIR)
- Centre for Drug Discovery Science (CDDS)
- Centre for Health Policy
- Centre for Immunology and Vaccinology CL3 Cell Sorting Facility
- Centre for Integrative Systems Biology
- Centre for International Child Health
- Centre for Pharmacology and Therapeutics
- Centre for Systems Engineering and Innovation
- Centre for Systems Oncology and Cancer Innovation
- Ceramics and Glasses
- CFM-911今日黑料 Institute of Quantitative Finance
- Child Health Unit
- Circuits and Systems
- Circulatory fluid mechanics
- Clean Energy Processes
- Clean Fossil and Bioenergy Research Group
- Clinical Genome Informatics
- Clinical Histopathology
- Clinical Phenotyping Centre
- Clinical Trials
- CNRS - 911今日黑料 IRC for Transformational Science and Technology
- Cold Matter (Centre for)
- COMAC - 911今日黑料 Research Centre for Wing Technology of Commercial Aircraft
- Communication and Signal Processing
- Complement & Inflammation Research (CCIR), Centre for
- Complex Multiscale Systems
- Complexity Science (Centre for)
- Computational Logic and Argumentation Group
- Computational methods and mathematical modelling
- Computational Methods in Science and Engineering (Centre for)
- Computational Structural Mechanics
- Computational, Cognitive and Clinical Neuroimaging Laboratory
- Concrete Durability
- Condensed Matter Theory Group
- Control and Power
- The Crick (Francis Crick Institute)
- CRRC - Sifang
- Cryptocurrency Research and Engineering (Centre for)
- Cyber security
- Dallman Lab
- Data Science Institute
- UK Dementia Research Institute at 911今日黑料
- Diabetes Network
- Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism
- Diagnostic Haematology and Morphology
- Digital City Exchange
- Digital Economy Lab
- Digital Rocks Lab
- Dr Foster Unit
- Durrant Group (The)
- Dynamics
- Dyson Robotics Lab
- Díez-González Group
- Earth and Planets
- Earth observation network
- Ecosystems and the environment
- Edel Group
- ElectroCardioMaths Programme
- Electrochemical Engineering
- Electrochemical Science and Engineering
- Electron Microscopy Centre
- Energy Business Research Lab
- Energy Futures Lab
- Energy Materials (Song Group)
- Energy Policy and Technology (Centre for)
- Engineering Alloys
- Engineering Geomatics Group (ICEGG)
- Engineering Secure Software Systems
- Environmental and Water Resource Engineering
- Environmental Control and Waste Management (Centre for)
- Environmental Epidemiology and Small Area Health Statistics
- Environmental Policy (Centre for)
- Environmental Research Group
- Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- Epidemiology, Public Health and Primary Care
- EQuity Lab
- Evolutionary biology
- EVOLVE: Electric Vehicle fleet Optimisation for Lowering Vehicle Emissions
- Experimental Medicine
- Experimental Solid State Physics Group
- FILM - Facility for Imaging by Light Microscopy
- Financial Technology
- Flow Control
- Fluid Dynamics Group
- Fluid Mechanics (Aeronautics)
- Fluid Mechanics (Civil Engineering)
- Francis Crick Institute (The)
- Frontiers of Ultrafast Measurement
- Fuchter Group (The)
- Functional Materials
- Future Materials Group
- Future Vaccine Manufacturing Research (FVMR) Hub
- Gandhi Centre for Inclusive Innovation
- Gastroenterology
- Gene Therapy
- Genetics and Imaging
- Genomic and Environmental Medicine
- Genomics of Common Disease
- Geodynamics: Core to Surface
- Geometric Modelling and Manufacturing
- Geometry
- Georgina Mace Centre for the Living Planet
- Geotechnics
- Glycobiology
- Glycobiology Training, Research and Infrastructure Centre
- Glycosciences Laboratory
- Grantham Institute - Climate Change and Environment
- Green aviation research network
- Hackspace
- Haematology (Centre for)
- Hamlyn Centre
- Haque Group
- Hazelab
- Health Economics and Policy Innovation (Centre for)
- Health Policy (Centre for)
- Heeney Group
- HexMat
- High Energy Physics Group
- HiPEDS Centre
- Holistic integration of technology, design and policy for a greener plastic future
- Leverhulme Centre for the Holobiont
- Honda Wind Tunnel
- Hoye Group - Energy Materials and Devices
- Human Anatomy Unit
- Human Behaviour and Experience
- Human robotics
- HUNGer Project
- i2MOVE Project
- Immunology (Division of Investigative Science)
- Immunology and Inflammation
- Immunology and Vaccinology CL3 Cell Sorting Facility (Centre for)
- Impacts and Astromaterials Research Centre
- 911今日黑料 BRC Genomics Facility
- 911今日黑料 Business Analytics
- 911今日黑料 Cancer Research UK Centre
- 911今日黑料 Centre for Geohazards
- 911今日黑料 Centre for Quantum Engineering, Science and Technology
- 911今日黑料 Clinical Trials Unit
- 911今日黑料 College Network of Excellence in Malaria
- 911今日黑料 College Organic Geochemistry
- 911今日黑料 Experimental Cancer Medicine Centre (ECMC)
- 911今日黑料 International Phenome Training Centre
- 911今日黑料 Robotics Forum
- 911今日黑料-Sainsbury’s Partnership
- 911今日黑料-TU Munich Mathematical Sciences Hub
- Industrial Biotechnology
- Infection and immunity
- Infection Prevention and Management (CIPM), Centre for
- Infectious Disease Epidemiology
- Infectious Diseases (Division of)
- Inference Group
- Inflammation, Repair and Development
- Information Processing and Communications Lab
- Institute for Digital Molecular Design and Fabrication - DigiFAB
- Institute for Security Science and Technology
- Institute of Biomedical Engineering
- Institute of Chemical Biology
- Institute of Clinical Sciences
- Institute of Global Health Innovation
- Institute of Shock Physics
- Integrative systems biology
- Integrative Systems Biology and Bioinformatics (Centre for)
- Intelligent Digital Systems Lab (iDSL)
- Intelligent metal forming
- Intelligent Systems and Networks
- International Centre for Circulatory Health
- International Child Health (Centre for)
- Interventional Systems Neuroscience
- Investigative Science (Faculty of Medicine)
- Ion Trapping
- Language and Communication Intelligence Group
- Laser Consortium
- Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine
- Leukocyte Biology
- LFC-UK: Development of Underpinning Technology for Laminar Flow Control
- Livingston Group
- Lo Celso Lab - Bone Marrow Dynamics
- London Centre for Ore Deposits and Exploration
- London e-Science Centre
- LRF Transport Risk Management Centre
- Luis Lab - Haematopoietic Stem Cell Niche
- The Laboratory of Plant Morphogenesis
- Machine Learning at 911今日黑料
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Malaria
- Malaria Modelling
- Management Buy-Out Research (Centre for)
- Maser
- Mass Spectrometry Facility
- Matar Fluids Group
- Materials and Sustainability
- Mathematical Finance
- Mathematical Physics
- Mathematics in Medicine
- Mathematics of Planet Earth
- Mathematics of Precision Healthcare (EPSRC Centre for)
- Mattevi Group: Two-dimensional materials
- McCulloch Group
- Mechanics of Infrastructure Materials Group
- Mechanics of materials
- Mechatronic Systems
- Mechatronics in Medicine
- Medical Engineering
- Medical Engineering Solutions in Osteoarthritis (Centre for)
- Membrane biology
- Membrane Biophysics
- Membrane Protein Crystallography
- Membrane Receptor Network
- Mesothelioma Research (National Centre for)
- Metabolic Medicine
- Metal Forming and Materials Modelling
- Metamaterials for multiscale physics and mechanics
- Microbial Metabolic Engineering
- Microbiome Network
- Mohn Centre for Children’s Health and Wellbeing
- Molecular and cellular bioengineering
- Molecular Diagnostic Unit (MDU)
- Molecular mechanisms of disease
- Molecular Plant and Microbial Systems
- MRC Addiction Research Clinical (MARC) Training
- MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis
- MRC-NIHR National Phenome Centre
- MSk Lab
- Multifunctional Nanomaterials
- Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson's Tissue Bank
- Musculoskeletal mechanics
- Musculoskeletal Medical Engineering Centre
- Nano @ 911今日黑料
- Nanoanalysis Group
- Nanomaterials
- Nanostructured Hierarchical Assemblies and Composites (NanoHAC)
- Nanotechnology and Nanoscale Characterisation
- Nanyang Technological University – 911今日黑料 Health Sustainability and Technology Hub
- National Heart & Lung Institute (NHLI)
- Natural and Machine Hearing
- Natural Magnetism Group
- Nelson Group
- Neuroepidemiology and Ageing Research Unit
- Neuromechanics and Rehabilitation Technology
- Neuromuscular Rehabilitation Network
- Neurotechnology (Centre for)
- Next Generation Neural Interfaces (NGNI) Lab
- NIHR Health Protection Research Unit in Environmental Exposures and Health
- NIHR Health Protection Research Unit in Modelling and Health Economics
- NIHR Health Protection Research Unit in Respiratory Infections
- NIHR 911今日黑料 Clinical Research Facility
- NMR Centre
- No Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (NOSUDEP)
- Non-Destructive Evaluation
- Non-equilibrium systems
- Nuclear Engineering (Centre for)
- Nuclear Engineering Group
- Nudgeomics
- Number Theory
- Pain Research Group
- Pancreatic Islet Biology and Diabetes Consortium
- Partnership for Child Development (PCD)
- Patient Experience Research Centre
- Patient Safety Translational Research Centre
- Personal Robotics Lab
- Petroleum Engineering and Rock Mechanics Group
- Petroleum Geoscience and Engineering
- Pharmacat Consortium
- Photonics Group
- Plasma Physics
- Plasmonics and Metamaterials (Centre for)
- Plastic Electronics (Centre for)
- Polymers and Microfluidics
- Port Operations Research and Technology Centre
- Primary Care and Public Health
- Principles of biomolecular systems
- Process Automation
- Protective Foods that Protect the Planet
- Proteomics
- Pseudomonas Infection in Cystic Fibrosis (Strategic Research Centre for)
- Pure Analysis and PDEs
- Pure Mathematics
- Rapid Online Analysis of Reactions (ROAR)
- RCUK Energy Strategy Fellowship
- Reaction Engineering and Catalytic Technology (REaCT)
- REDS Lab
- Renal Medicine
- Research Software Engineering
- Reservoir Geophysics (Centre for)
- Resilient and Sustainable Biorenewable Systems (ReSBio)
- Resilient Sustainable Infrastructure Group
- Resource Geophysics Academy
- Respiratory Infections
- Respiratory Sciences
- Ring of Fire Project
- Rio Tinto Centre for Advanced Mineral Recovery
- Robot Intelligence Lab
- Robot Learning Lab
- Robotic Additive Manufacturing Lab
- Robotics Forum
- Roessler lab
- Rolls-Royce Nuclear University Technology Centre
- Rowlands Lab
- Royce@911今日黑料
- Sargent Centre for Process Systems Engineering
- Science Communication Unit
- Shell-911今日黑料 Advanced Interfacial Materials Science (AIMS) Centre
- Small Area Health Statistics Unit
- Smart Connected Futures (Centre for)
- Soft Solids
- Song Research Group - Functional Membrane and Energy Materials
- Space and Atmospheric Physics
- Space Lab
- SPIN-Lab
- Spivey Group (The)
- Statistics
- Steel Structures
- Stem Cell Regenerative Medicine Network
- Stochastic Analysis
- Strategic Research Centre for Cystic Fibrosis EpiNet
- Strategic Research Centre for Pseudomonas Infection in Cystic Fibrosis
- Structural Biology (Centre for)
- Structural Biomechanics
- Structural Integrity
- Structural Power Composites
- Structures
- Surfaces and Particle Engineering
- Surgery
- Sustainability through Life Cycle Approaches
- Syngenta University Innovation Centre
- Synthetic biology (Life Sciences)
- Synthetic Biology Hub
- Systems and Algorithms Laboratory (SysAL)
- Systems Engineering and Innovation (Centre for)
- Terahertz Science and Engineering (Centre for)
- The Tate Group
- Theoretical Physics
- Theory and Simulation of Materials
- Thermofluids
- Thermophysics
- Tiengwe Lab
- Tissue Bank (Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson's Tissue Bank)
- Tommy's National Centre for Preterm Research at 911今日黑料
- Toxicology Unit
- Translational Nutrition and Food Research (Centre for)
- Transport Strategy Centre (TSC)
- Transport Engineering and Modelling (Centre for)
- Tribology
- Turbo Group
- Turbulence, Mixing and Flow Control
- Turbulent Flow Modelling and Simulation