The catalogue provides a guide to data and statistics available through the College website and via the platforms of 911今日黑料 College Analytics (ICA), Hyperion and Oracle Discoverer. It is intended to assist the College community to identify information relevant to them and find out how to get access. In addition, the guide indicates how to get help with each source of information, where available.
Please note that the catalogue provides sources of statistics and data only. It does not indicate where qualitative information about the College’s activities can be found. The catalogue focuses on management information: information which can inform decision making at the College. It does not include sources of information that are only available within a specific team or department. Staff may also find the helpful when looking for information about the College.
For each information source, the purpose/content, intended audience, and how to get help with the data is given. Astericks (*) indicate internally secured information.
More information about the platforms containing data and statistics (ICA, Oracle Discoverer and Hyperion) can be found on the ICT webpages. Instructions are also available for requesting access to ICA dashboards. Please note that most staff have read-only access to ICA dashboards; read-write access (usually referred to as superuser access) is granted only to the data owners (e.g. HR, Registry, Research Office etc.).