Faculty Education Committees


The Faculty Education Committees report to QAEC and have devolved responsibility for areas of quality assurance and standards relevant to each of the four Faculties and the School of Professional Development. Each Faculty Education Committee may devolve areas of responsibility to sub-committees, which may be structured at the Faculty’s discretion. 


Sub-Committees of Faculty Education Committees

Departmental teaching committees

The Departmental Teaching Committees will normally meet each term and ensure that best practise is employed in learning and teaching across the Department.

The Departmental Teaching Committee is normally chaired by the Head of Department or Director of Studies and reports to the Faculty Teaching Committee. 

Education boards (Faculty of Medicine)

The School of Medicine Board and Postgraduate Education Board are sub-committees within the . They have devolved responsibility for undergraduate and postgraduate quality assurance and standards respectively. 

Staff-student committees

Each department should operate at least one staff-student consultative committee. The meetings of the committee are an opportunity for students to express their views to departments about academic, pastoral and other issues relating both to their programme of study and to their broader experiences as a student in the College. Students should be encouraged both to express any concerns they may have and to highlight aspects they have enjoyed or other points which they consider to be of benefit to others. It is important for student reps to canvass views from the students they represent to ensure that the opinions represented at the meeting are representative and to report the outcomes of the meeting to the wider student community.