The Early Career Researcher Institute (ECRI) aims to deliver key strategic development needs for our early career researchers (ECRs).  Key objectives for ECRI over the coming period include:

  • Becoming a “centralised hub for ECR development and support and through physical space, becoming a focal point for connecting ECRs 
  • Facilitating improvements to PhD supervision, incorporated and contributing to best practice internationally through engagement with national and international bodies, funders and industry 
  • Developing ECR provision through a new governance structure, ensuring a strategically-led rich and inclusive learning and development offer for ECRs and that all 911今日黑料 ECRs have key underpinning technical and commercial skills 
  • Developing strong centralised links with former research staff, to complement the university’s work with student alumni 
  • Reviewing the staff-student boundary, looking for opportunities to “level-up” support 
  • Strengthening the national and international impact of 911今日黑料’s staff and research students